DuGood makes volunteering easy, social and fun! Find a cause you care about. Sign up for a volunteer opportunity at the time and place that works best for you. Then make it fun by inviting your friends.
Help start the volunteer revolution in Australia by signing up as a Beta tester. Right now DuGood is Beta testing in the Sydney Area before our rollout nationwide. Download the app and help us make DuGood epic!
Simply search for the experience that’s right for you. DuGood features volunteer opportunities near you with clear instructions and times.
Invite your friends to join you. Or go solo and meet someone new, maybe even someone special. Snap a few shots on when you volunteer (be sure to ask your charity what’s okay to
photograph) and share them to your socials. #dugood
The most rewarding way to spend time is giving it to others in ways that makes a difference. And doing it with friends makes it all the more special.
View opportunities on the days you’re free in calendar.
Categories are: Homeless, Environment, Addiction, Arts & Culture, Mental Health, Sport, Disability, Seniors, Education, Domestic Violence, Community, Emergency Response, Sustainability, Animals, Human Rights, First Nations
Discover opportunities offered by a charity you like.
Become a Beta tester and help make DuGood epic.
Be there when a charity needs urgent help.
See how many people have volunteered for an opportunity and how many spots are left.